Articles and Opinion

The Existence of Love

Love is an intricate embodiment of an innate trait that forms arguably the strongest emotion exhibited by humans. It becomes evidently pronounced as our cognitive and emotional well-being begins to mature.

Over the centuries the subject of love has always been amongst the front burner of topical issues that has confronted humanity—which speaks volumes of its relative prevalence and pertinence within the human race. It has been established that love could serve/serves as a bonding tool for all of humanity irrespective of creed or race; as opposed to hatred which has proven to be diabolical and repugnant to peaceful coexistence.

Love could not only be seen as an emotion; it can also be seen as a connection—which hinges on the biological and psychological perspective. Biologically certain hormones in our body control how and what motivates us to exhibit love. While psychologically love takes different forms; making it subtle and not easily discerned.

Love broadly takes two categories: the impersonal and the interpersonal. The impersonal involves a love between humans and non-humans (such as the love of a pet, a goal, or a hubby). While interpersonal love simple involves the love between humans. Maslow, a psychologist, also fixed love at the mid stage of this pyramid of human needs; after physiological need (shelter, food, water etc.), and safety needs (personal security, emotional security, health and wellbeing etc.). This goes along to buttresses its undeniable existence to us human beings.

For the better part of history, religion and philosophy have been the major contributors to the conceptualization and propounding of love: the world being a relatively religious place lays further credence to the acts and exhibitions of love. Christianity, Islam Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism have all scripturally preached the practise of love amongst its followers/faithful. Love as a subject matter of research has also been sampled sociologically, culturally, and scientifically, giving room for all other non-religious groups and categories; such as atheists and pagans.

Philosophically, ancient Greek philosophers identified love essentially to be: familial love, friendly or platonic love (philia), romantic love (eros), guest love (xenia), and divine love (agape). The philosophical aspect goes further to justify the existence of love, the ethics, and the consequences of the absence of love.

Conclusively, the question of whether love still exists should centre basely on personal perception and ideology, and should not be conflicted with the general view of its existence. Love should only be doubted on personal/individual basis as it intricately varies among different individuals; and is shown in different ways—which is evidently pronounced in form of affection, care /concern, attachment/shared interest, and romance/passion. Just as we are embodiments of complex thought processes, feelings/ emotions and perception, we also feel, understand and exhibit love differently. Love still exists amongst individuals, families, groups, societies and the world at large. All we need do is look beyond our weakness and shortfalls as humans and embrace the positive outlook and aspects of our humanity.

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