
Find Time (Time to Die)

Life they say is too short
Yeah… it’s like a mission that you can’t abort
Not because you can’t, but because it’s a sin
So through the tears you still have to fake a grin
Some believed we are all living on a borrowed time
Believe it or not… we all gon’ die some day
Living a clean life? or a life full of grime
It doesn’t matter… so live like your last day is today

Find time to play
Cos time flies away
Find time to smile
Even if it’s for a while
Find time to make friends not just an ally
I know one day they’ll leave… they’ll say goodbye
Find time to put it in your past… let it go by
Cos you may not, when the time comes to die

Find time to dance
Now that you have the chance
Find time to sing
You’ll be amazed at the joy it will bring
Find time to sit on a chair
And take care of your hair
Curl it… stretch it… put on some dye
Cos you won’t do so when it’s time to die

Find time to read a book
And get ideas to steal
Find time to fish in a brook
Find time to cook… and eat a very nice meal
Find time to give
Cos in giving we receive
Then relax… Chill and loosen your tie
Pour yourself a drink… you never know when it’s your time to die

Find time to pray to God
If you believe in God
Find time to love
If you believe in love
Find time to care for your body as the day go by
Your body is where you live… keep it healthy and steady
Find time to love yourself… and quit the vie
Or else… You’ll find time time to die.

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