In agony she was dispossessed of her precious gift,
From a known robber armed with impetus and harms.
The moment of powerless and destiny shift,
Like an antelope in the den of lions calling for arms.
The fate of being a gender without a manhood,
Leaving a man with the hood to plant his unwanted seeds into her virgin soils.
As his precarious eyes defiled her future before she reaches adulthood,
Stranded her throughout her lifetime, in all year’s she toils.
Five minutes of satanic pleasure without treasure,
Putting a shameful textile on her like a reeking coats.
Oh! This she wears all her lifetime in displeasure,
Destiny of someone’s daughter afloat.
The fate of matriarch in a federation without faith,
Involuntary copulation in a nation without visions.
Reaping unripe forbidden fruits before she turned eight,
Doom society in collisions.
When shall we have a world without a dark philosophy?
Where NO will actually means no.
Where the menace will be buried with atrophy,
And the history will say “a long time ago”.